
Part of a kickstarter project: Beauty and Hope in the 21th century.

The entire project consists of 9 pieces for piano, written by 9 different composers, from which I was one. Each composer picked one of nine different images, also made for this project, to draw inspiration.

I was lucky to work with the amazing image Puddle by Piero Pierini.
The front figure stares into a puddle of (water or mud?), standing somewhat disconnected. The figure in the back carries a light, but does not lighted the mood of the baren nature, and rainy weather.

While the theme is about Beauty and Hope many of the works are just as much about the lack thereof.

This work has been published, recorded on CD. And also was recorded as a live-stream, when performed on a concert.

CD recording

Myrto Akrivou, piano
October 17th 2015 - Megaron Hall, Athens

Puddle, live concert

Myrto Akrivou, piano
November 24th 2016 - Theoharakis Foundation Hall, Athens
